It can be the difference between -$100,000 in our bank account. Or $100,000+.
Sunk cost syndrome is when we invest ourselves in something. And then we view that thing differently in some way -only because we’re now vested in it.
Or, we feel “obligated” to stick it out…
This can be demonstrated in various ways:
We go to a movie and the first 45 minutes are terrible.
What do we do?
What do we do?
We rarely just get up and leave. We stick it through
another 45 minutes.
another 45 minutes.
We’ve invested into watching the movie already. We
feel like we must complete it.
feel like we must complete it.
We’re in a relationship where the other person is
abusive and bad to us. What do we do?
abusive and bad to us. What do we do?
Most will stick it out. Because they’ve invested too
much into that relationship already.
much into that relationship already.
You’ve got a t-shirt from the 90′s with holes in it,
it’s faded, and it’s got about 25 years of stink on it.
it’s faded, and it’s got about 25 years of stink on it.
But you wouldn’t sell it for $1,000 bucks.
Why? Because you’ve taken ownership of it. You
value it more highly than anyone else does. You’re
invested into that shirt, that’s literally worthless to
anybody else.
value it more highly than anyone else does. You’re
invested into that shirt, that’s literally worthless to
anybody else.
Now for many things, there is nothing wrong with
this, and it can even be downright good for you.
this, and it can even be downright good for you.
However, in other areas, it can prove to be toxic.
Take business for example:
Maybe you’ve set up a website, or you’ve got a
project you’ve been working on.
project you’ve been working on.
Thing is, you’ve been at it for years and it’s still
not profitable.
not profitable.
You’re fully invested in it.
It’s tough to just up and abandon it.
But sometimes we’ve got to get past the emotional
side of things and just move on.
side of things and just move on.
The past matters much less than the future.
You can choose to stop anything. Right. Now.
So if this business hasn’t been working for you
If your plan isn’t panning out for you right now…
Then it’s time to cut the cord and try something new
that actually works.
that actually works.
Many people were struggling online for years. Making
nothing, or maybe just the odd commissions here and
there, but nothing fantastic.
nothing, or maybe just the odd commissions here and
there, but nothing fantastic.
This business simply works because it takes most of
the load off of YOUR shoulders, which will allow you
the ability to quickly profit.
the ability to quickly profit.
And it focuses heavily on fixing the ECONOMICS of
your business.
your business.
Which means more money in your pockets.
Much more.
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