Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Is “Sand” Killing Your Dreams?

In his legendary book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Dr. Stephen R. Covey gives a wonderfully simple and powerful illustration about priorities.
Imagine a bucket and a pile of rocks. Some of the rocks are big, some of the rocks are small…and some of the rocks are so small they are like sand.
What’s the best strategy for fitting all the rocks in the bucket?
If you put the small rocks in first, you don’t have room for the big rocks.
But if you the big rocks in first, the small rocks flow around the big rocks and all the rocks fit in the bucket.
The bucket is your life. The big rocks are the most important things in your life…family, dreams, goals, friends, etc.
The tiny, sand-like rocks are the trivial things that are not important at all.
Covey is pointing out that many of us put the tiny rocks in first. We let the trivialities of life get in the way of achieving our big goals.
The ONLY way to achieve your big goals is to put them in the bucket FIRST. Make them a priority. Carve out time on your calendar and put them in FIRST. Everything else needs to wait, until you’ve dedicated time to those goals every day.
For example, if starting an online business and achieving financial freedom is a goal, then you need to carve out time NOW to make sure it happens.
If you don’t it will NEVER happen. The million-and-one little grains of sand will ALWAYS fill your bucket first.
If you say you that something is a priority but don’t put it in the bucket first…well, you’re lying to yourself. Plain and simple.
So, if your goal is to start an online business, use the Covey method. Start you day, every day for the next 21 days, with Matt Lloyd’s proven MTTB system for making $1000, $3000 and $5000 commissions.
Fill your bucket wisely. Get started today…

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Only People You Can Trust on Traffic

Who are the only people you can trust when it comes to generating quality, converting traffic for your business?
In fact, who are the only people you can trust about ANY subject?
It’s not gurus.
It’s not eBooks and training videos from experts
It’s not coaching programs from ivory tower marketing masters
No. The only people you can really trust are the people who are actually in the trenches doing the work.
The ones placing ads. The ones promoting offers. The ones driving real traffic through real sales funnels.
Most traffic gurus these days only REALLY know one kind of traffic…if even that…they know how to drive traffic to sell…traffic products!
Other than that, they are not in the trenches doing what you do (or need to do) every day to make money online.
Which is why Matt Lloyd put together Traffic Masters Academy.
These folks are not gurus, not platform speakers, not marketing rock stars.
They are under-the-radar folks getting amazing results driving traffic to offers. Actually making money online…the way you want to make money online.
Traffic is the key to every online business. You don’t exist without it.
Make sure you’re getting your traffic insights from entrepreneurs you can trust.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Unplug the info-IV for good…

We live in a micro-bite age.
It’s so easy to hop on our computers or phones and Facebook,
Tweet, Google, Pin and YouTube information whenever we
want to.
And for some people that’s all they do.
Why do we do this?
Because, it’s far easier to remain distracted then doing
something important.
When you look at your daily actions, it comes down to
you deciding whether you want to keep consuming
value, or to start producing value.
I choose to leave poverty and become a producer.
To do that you need two things:
1) Eliminate overwhelm. You’ve got to turn off that switch
and get some real focus. Think for a moment of what the
biggest obstacle is that’s holding you back, and figure
out how to fix it. The solution is usually a simple one.
2) Have a sure-fire system. One that you are confident will
work with reasonable effort and commitment.
Because if you don’t feel like you have a system that you
can start on and can follow “step by step” to success,
then you’re going to remain overwhelmed and you’re
going to keep consuming and searching.
It’s a ruthless loop to be in…
If you really want to see some near effortless break-through’s
in these areas, then you’ll want a system that will eliminate
overwhelm by giving you only “ONE THING” to focus on.
You’ll want a process that you can follow step by step that
will guarantee results.
Spend a few minutes and read the letter below. Then, you’ll
be well on your way:

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What’s Missing?

I was doing some reading up today, and found an interesting
strategy from a guy that’s been called the guru to the guru’s,
and is just an all around brilliant person.
It’s just three simple questions to ask yourself everyday.
Especially… when you’re stuck.
1- What’s working?
2- What’s missing?
3- What’s next?
(I’d recommend you write those three questions out
on a post it and stick it somewhere you can see it
each day.)
Now the questions are simple, but they take some real
thinking, and can yield you big results if you actually
go through them every day.
I’d even take this a step further, and when you find out
what’s missing, you should start to rank yourself on
how much you’ve improved on it, from one day to the
next on a scale of 1-10.
Then, you simply try to get a little better on it each day.
Let’s illustrate:
What’s working for you may be that you’ve become
really good at spotting quality launches and ranking
for an affiliate page.
What’s missing is that maybe you haven’t got any
sales yet, though you’re getting a little bit of traffic
and working really hard.
What’s next is that you could start getting more
“quality” traffic, and learning how to create an
irresistible bonus offer that people feel they
must have more than the product itself.
Not surprisingly, those are the exact three things
many people are having a challenge with right
In fact, if you’re into affiliate marketing at all, there
are a LOT of “what’s missing” elements that you
likely have.
I know I did before I finally started to figure things
The pieces quickly fit together for me after I
watched this no cost Online Workshop that
reveals why the old affiliate model is dead, and
how you can use the “new rules” to dominate
massively, and at will…
Check it out, and you’ll also be getting a
bonus for watching this valuable presentation:
Make yourself some popcorn or your favorite
treat, and enjoy the show!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Is Your “Instrument” Holding You Back from Online Success?

Abraham Kaplan is famed for having coined the concept of the “Law of the Instrument”. 
It’s a very simple concept…
“Give a small boy a hammer, and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding”. 
It’s sometimes paraphrased as, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
And it means, that if all you have is one…
Perspective, Skill, Tool, Talent, Resource
Then you will try to solve every problem from that perspective or with that tool, skill, etc. 
It limits your ability to solve problems. 
If you’re only perspective is, “The best way to succeed is to go to college, get a corporate job, work 40-60 hours a week, and move up the ladder”, then you’ll try to solve every financial problem with a J.O.B. 
A traditional job is the hammer. And everything looks like a nail. 
This is the “Law of the instrument” that locks most of society into a perpetual “hammering”. And that hammering eventually starts to look like beating your head against a wall. 
If you want real financial freedom, you need to find an instrument that truly works. 
And, the only real path to financial independence is to run your own business. 
The “hammer” of a traditional job is just going to give you brain damage. 
So, when you’re ready to pick up a new instrument…a new perspective…and start your own business, MTTB is the safest, most-proven, lowest-risk method to getting started. 
Don’t spend the rest of your life beating yourself with a hammer. 
Get started with MTTB today…

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Results Not Typical

Ever see this phrase in an advertisement, “Results not typical”.
You see that seemingly innocuous phrase in weight loss ads, fitness program ads, and, of course, make money online ads. 
Whenever an advertiser shows someone who knuckled down, followed their plan, stuck with it, and got great results, the advertiser has to say “results not typical”. 
And it kinda stinks. 
Why does it stink? Because it makes it sound like the ones who got great results were flukes…or somehow just lucky. 
When the truth is usually just the opposite.
Here’s the hard truth that nobody wants to admit: The reason that “typical” results are less than inspiring is because most people are too lazy and unmotivated to actually follow any plan through to completion. 
Yes, “typical” results are that you won’t lose a single inch off your belly.
Typical results are that you won’t make a single dime online. 
But don’t blame the program for that!
That’s not “typical” of the program. That’s typical of human beings! 
Most people who try something…ANYTHING…will get discouraged, whine and moan, and eventually quit. Because quitting is easy. And most people prefer easy to success. 
That’s not the program’s fault. But the program gets “blamed” for it. And the advertiser has to say “results not typical”. It would be more accurate to say “Results ARE typical of people who actually follow the program, but we can’t say that because most people are lazy and that throws off the average!” 
OK, rant over. 
If you want to see some pretty amazing ‘atypical’ results from a guy who just crossed the ONE MILLION DOLLAR mark for commissions from MTTB IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR, click here to listen. 
And please, whatever you do, don’t be “typical”

Monday, February 9, 2015

Are You Letting Your Fear Run Your Life?

“What’s the smallest, tiniest thing that I can master and what’s the scariest thing I can do in front of the smallest number of people that can teach me how to dance with the fear?” Once we get good at that, we just realize that it’s not fatal. And that idea is what’s so key — because then you can do it a little bit more.”
–Seth Godin 
Our fear usually tells us what we need to do most. But many of us have gotten highly-skilled at avoiding and/or numbing that fear. But the only way you achieve success is by facing a fear and breaking through to the next level. Otherwise you stay exactly where you are for the rest of your life. Scared and numb.
Or scared and dissatisfied.

Question 1: When is the last time you stared down a fear and broke through to another level in your life? 
Question 2: What are you afraid of doing that you KNOW you must do to achieve online success? 
Today, take Seth Godin’s advice and take the smallest, tiniest step you can in the direction of your fear. 
Get started on something that scares you a little. One very small, simple step you can take, is to get started with MTTB for $49. Then take one small step every day for 21 days. 
If after 21 days, you have not made a commission, Matt Lloyd will pay you $500. 
That’s 10 times your money back, if you take this small, scary step and it doesn’t work out for you. 
But, I’m going to bet that what Seth says is true: You’ll find out it’s not fatal. You’ll find out the first step was not that hard. Then you’ll find out the next step isn’t that hard. Soon, you’ll be on to Step 21 and making commissions regularly. 
$1000, $3000 and $5000 commissions. 
Maybe even driving a new Mercedes. But you’ll never get there if you let your fears win. Take a small step to victory today. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Danger of Waiting Until You’re Ready

“It’s a terrible thing in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There’s almost no such thing as ready. There’s only now. And you may as well do it now.
–Hugh Laurie 
If you have kids, you’ll get this. If you don’t have kids, just wait until you do. 
You’ll get it then…
But, have you ever heard a young couple say, “We’re just not quite ready for kids now.”
If you have kids, every time you hear a young couple say that, you probably giggle a little. 
You probably nod your head and try not break out laughing.
Because, as every parent knows, YOU ARE NEVER READY FOR KIDS.
There’s no such thing as being ready. 
Because until you have kids, you have no idea what it’s like to have them.
It’s one of those things that you learn as you do. 
It’s one of those things that you can’t fully prepare for. 
And the same is true of most important things in life. Like marriage. And starting your own business. 
You’ll never be “Ready”. Because, as Hugh Laurie says, “There is no such thing as ready.”
About the only way you can know if you’re ready for kids is to ask yourself, “Am I ready to love something more than I love myself?”
If you can truthfully answer “yes” to that question, you’re probably as ready as you’re ever going to be. 
And when it comes to starting your own business, if you can truthfully answer “yes”, to the question “Do I want something more from my life than the usual 9 to 5, cubicle-bound, work-for-40-years-and-get-a-gold-watch existence?”
If you truly do want more, if that desire burns in your belly, then you’re as ready as you’ll ever be. 
And MTTB is the easiest, simplest, least-expensive, most-proven, lowest-risk method to finally stop saying “I’ll wait until I’m ready”…and get started. 
It’s a terrible thing to wait until you’re ready. 
Get started here

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

NASA Business Strategist Turned Online Mogul

Becca Barry had a great job. 
Or at least she thought she did. 
Becca worked as a subcontractor for NASA as a business strategist. 
She made her bosses lots of money. She was told she was an “asset”. She thought she was “irreplaceable”. 
And yet, she only got 3% raises every year. And had to fight for those. 
And then, when NASA made cutbacks in 2013…Becca was let go. 
Thus began Becca’s search for an online business system that could replace her lost income. 
$150,000 in failed experiments with 
• Ebay stores
• Importing from China
• Selling as an Amazon affiliate
• Creating her own websites
• Setting up her own online mall
• Drop shipping physical products. 
Nothing worked…until…
Now Becca makes six figures with her online business. She made $10,000 in her very first month at this business. 
Care to guess what that business is?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Without a Vision, It’s Just Work

I’m convinced that people who settle for a middle of the road lifestyle, do so because they do not have a clear vision for what they’d like their lifestyle to be. 
I believe most people do not work hard, because they do not believe their work is leading them to anything visionary or special. 
I believe people who work hard at a job that does not get them closer to their dream, do so because they believe it’s what they’re “supposed to do”. 
Out of a sense of obligation. 
And I believe the only way out of these negative work habits is to develop a clear vision of what you want your life to look like. 
Evelyn Van Der Harst, a single mom from Adelaide, Australia, had a vision. 
After raising her daughters and struggling through some tough times, Evelyn set out a clear vision for the next half of her live…
She wanted to work just a couple days a week,  to travel to exotic lands, to be her own boss, and
she wanted support from the company she worked for…like the support of a family. 
Using this vision as her guide, Evelyn found MTTB, and, well, you can watch her video here and determine for yourself if she achieved her vision…

Monday, February 2, 2015

Do You Know the “Law of the Instrument”?

Abraham Kaplan is famed for having coined the concept of the “Law of the Instrument”. 
It’s a very simple concept…
“Give a small boy a hammer, and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding”. 
It’s sometimes paraphrased as, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
And it means, that if all you have is one…
Perspective, Skill, Tool, Talent, Resource
Then you will try to solve every problem from that perspective or with that tool, skill, etc. 
It limits your ability to solve problems. 
If you’re only perspective is, “The best way to succeed is to go to college, get a corporate job, work 40-60 hours a week, and move up the ladder”, then you’ll try to solve every financial problem with a J.O.B. 
A traditional job is the hammer. And everything looks like a nail. 
This is the “Law of the instrument” that locks most of society into a perpetual “hammering”. And that hammering eventually starts to look like beating your head against a wall. 
If you want real financial freedom, you need to find an instrument that truly works. 
And, the only real path to financial independence is to run your own business. 
The “hammer” of a traditional job is just going to give you brain damage. 
So, when you’re ready to pick up a new instrument…a new perspective…and start your own business, MTTB is the safest, most-proven, lowest-risk method to getting started. 
Don’t spend the rest of your life beating yourself with a hammer. 
Get started with MTTB today…