Friday, August 29, 2014

What’s YOUR desire of wealth?

I’d venture to say that most of us aren’t “too” concerned
with becoming members of the top 1% in the Wealth

The top one percent are all at BILLIONAIRE STATUS.
Sure, some of us may want that. But if you’re like me,
you’d be fine with joining the Millionaire Club! Or, you’d
just like these things below for yourself:
*Financially independent
*Able to do what I want when I want
*Able to travel to places I’ve always wanted to go
*Never having to worry about BILLS AGAIN
*Having time to spend with my loved ones
*The ability to fire my boss and not rely on the government
*And so on…
Once you’ve achieved the things above, you’ll FEEL
wealthy. You’ll be rich, in all meanings of the word.
You’ll be free… So now, how do you do it?
How do we get to the point where money issues will never
be a problem again?
Well, the secret to being wealthy is right in front of our noses,
even though most people will never realize it.
It’ll be right within your reach, but if you don’t know what
to grab, it might as well not be there at all.
Some “almost” achieve it, but it slips right through their
fingers like sand, time and time again.
My good friend Matt began to really look at why the rich,
were indeed, rich.
After intensely studying people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs,
Warren Buffett and Richard Branson, he stumbled across
a few very interesting things that each of these people
had in common.
(One big thing he found is that NONE of these people got
rich from a J-O-B!!)
After learning from the greats, the industry giants, the next
question comes up…
“How do I, the little guy, benefit from all of this info?…”
“How can a broke like a joke student turn things around?…”
The best way to figure that out he thought was to start his
own business and get down and dirty… in the trenches.
A few failed ventures later, he finds himself on the internet,
For over a year, ZILCHO PROFITS…
Then, a few secrets were discovered and small profits now
started to come in…
Then, $600 a month steady…
Fast-forward a bit, broke the code, $300k month…
Today? Over $1 million a month, over $12 million paid out to
partners in 38 different countries thus far…
And he’s just getting started…
My friend Matt isn’t a Billionaire, but he IS financially free.
And he wants the same thing for you.
What’s better is that he struggled a LOT to get to where he
and his company are now at, but you don’t have to go through
all that heartache yourself.
He’s set things up where you can leverage his entire business!
Does it work? Yes! Again, over $12 million already has been
paid out to normal folks from all around the globe.
And most of these guys and gals had little to no experience
when they got their start. It’s just not needed with this system.
Here’s how it works, you follow the system that will teach you
how to send Matt’s company leads on the internet, and then
he will close sales for you.
That’s it! Two simple steps. And you only have to focus on
one of them. They’ll do all the rest.
This will result in VERY LUCRATIVE commissions for you.
$1k, $3k, $5k, and well beyond that even…
If you’re looking for a simple system that can provide you with
financial freedom and the life you deserve, this is it:
Watch the presentation ASAP and get started today.
Seriously, get started asap. That’s another secret of the
wealthy. They don’t dilly dally around.
The training is there for you, the system is up and running
and proven to work.
All you have to do is watch the presentation and get
started with that first small step towards your success.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The 100-Zero Concept

We’ve most all heard of the Pareto 80/20 Principle
before right?

80% of your results will come from 20% of your
efforts. You can apply this rule universally and its
accuracy is near uncanny.
Well today, I’d like to introduce you to a principle
you’ve probably never heard of before.
Yet, it may be just as -if not more- powerful than
the 80/20 rule.
Introducing…The 100-Zero Concept.
Adopt this principle to your business and life, and
you’ll begin to see some amazing things happen.
Here’s the gist of it. It’s fundamental concept is
that you will give 100%. All of the time, every
time. 100%.
But here’s the thing…
You’ll do this, even if you’re getting ZERO percent
back in return.
That’s the part where it may get hairy for some of
us. But it’s necessary.
And here’s the interesting thing. Just because
someone is giving zero percent, it doesn’t mean
they’re giving zero percent. They may be giving
100% too!
What do I mean?
I recently heard Brian Kurtz of BoardRoom explain
it well.
We’ve all got friends. Some of them go way back
to our childhood or school days. These folks we just LOVE.
We’ve all got workmates too. Or, friends in our local
area right now that we enjoy doing things with.
Now here’s my point. Usually, there are just 1-2 of
these people that like to, or will put things together.
To plan a party, a reunion, to go out on the town.
You can just count on that they will be the ones
that will do this.
Everybody else may “”think”” about it. But they just
never get around to it. Maybe they don’t have the
forthrightness or confidence to do it.
So, it looks at the surface that one person is giving
100% and that the other people don’t care and are
giving 0%.
However, when you get with your friends etc., you all
have a blast. The time of your life!
The person that gave a hundred, and the person
that gave zero are BOTH having a good time.
Which person do you want to be?
I hope you’re a Hundred Percenter.
They’re the movers and shakers of the world.
The people that make things happen.
In business, in life, even if you don’t see the immediate
payoff, even if it doesn’t seem fair that YOU are the
one always doing things…
Give 100%.
With your family, with your friends, and with your work.
It’ll always work out for your benefit and that of others.
Now get out there and make things happen!
Call that person that you’ve been waiting to call you,
start that business that you’ve been waiting on
someone else to hand to you in a pretty little gift
wrapped box.
Put in 100% like you’ve never done before. Your
absolute best.
You’ll thank me later.
You’ll also be thanking me later if you’ll take the time
to watch this presentation and then actually START:
Put 100% in this, and if you’re like the other peeps in
this course, you can do very, VERY WELL.
If you’re prepared to do 0%, then of course, don’t be
expecting any results. But I know you’re a 100% type
of person.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why You Should Stop and Think First

Using your stop and think mechanism is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT!
What this does is it activates the “”smart”” part of
your brain and allows you to use your intelligence
over the impulse of your senses.
This is so critical to your online success. Why?
Here’s why. There are way too many easy
decisions that we can make online. And they
are very easy for us to justify ourselves in
doing them.
Buying course after course, even if we haven’t
went through the previous 50 we purchased.
Going to FB compulsively, knowing we’ll waste
hours of our time once we’re there.
Checking our email account, which will bring us
to blogs, forums, and a host of product launches
and affiliates begging for our attention.
To the untrained brain, we’ll go crazy, will get
nothing done, and will give in to impulse after
We’ll do this to the point where we’re so over-
whelmed that we get frustrated and give up.
Often we’ll just blame this industry as bogus
and a scam.
We’ll blame all the marketers we allowed to steal
our most valuable asset, our time.
When most often it’s “”us”” that failed the business.
It was us that failed to focus in and take any real
So, it’s easy, and it’s not easy at the same time…
Engage the stop and think mechanism.
Whenever you’re about to do something other
than what you’ve set out to do, whenever you’re
about to make a purchase, whenever you feel
the urge…
Stop and think: "Do I really need this?”
"Is this taking me further or closer to my goals?”
"Why do I feel the urge to buy or do this?”
And so on…
Ask yourself whatever questions you need to in
order to get your senses and impulses under
Decide to buy or do with your brain and intelligence
that you no doubt have, not with your senses and
impulses of the moment.
I never rush people to join in my business. I WANT
them to take their time and make an educated
I LIKE it when they ask me questions and express
their concerns with me.
Do I lose a few sales this way? Who knows. But
when people join with me, they join because they’ve
made a smart decision, not off of some impulse.
And that makes them much more serious buyers.
Buyers that will act and do and succeed. And ‘dem
are the type of buyers and peers I want to attract.
If that’s you, check out this presentation and see
if it may be a fit for you:
And please, let me know if you have any questions
or if I can help in ANY way.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Email Grammar Tips

Writing email is a beast in of itself, and most people get it ALL WRONG.
Email is the best, let me repeat, the BEST way to
generate a steady income online-coupled with the right products you’re selling and promoting of
So, it’s something that you want to get right. Right?
Thing is, most people think getting email right is by becoming a literary guild member that has pretty, "grammatically correct” emails…
They become bonafide members of the Spellcheck Nazi Club, like that’s going to put money in their pockets.
And I get these emails from time to time. Subscribers
pointing out to me where I’ve missed some comma or
something like that.
Some other error which often, is NOT an error in email
etiquette. Often it’s something I’ve put there intentionally
that they’ve ever so graciously brought to my attention.
But here’s the thing, while they’re stressing over periods
and commas, I’m making money.
Because that’s not what makes the money in this industry.
Some of the top email marketers and online business
owners out there can barely spell their names for
goodness sake!
They’re making 6-7 figures, not for their spelling skills, but
for the “”specific way”” in which they write, and I’ll share that
with you in just a sec.
Now as a quick caveat, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t
write well, or that you don’t need to worry about spending
a few extra minutes to proof your emails before you send
them out.
If you want to do that, in most cases that’s fine.
What I’m saying is that you need to focus on what’s
important. On what brings home the bacon. 80/20 baby!
What’s that which we should focus on, you say? 
Writing in a CONVERSATIONAL tone.
That’s the most important thing, by far.
Writing like people talk in a conversation.
So things like this are game in email: (Talking in bold
to MAKE A POINT. Using “”…”” to keep people reading…
Using multiple exclamations if you want to scream!!!
Using very short sentences to drive. something. home.
Using all kinds of odd slang and words strung together
that would make your English Teacher cringe.
All in the name of writing like you talk and getting your
emails out there to the world, daily if at all possible.
Don’t sweat any of the other stuff. We’re talking in an
authentic way to our tribe and connecting with them.
That’s it. We’re not trying to win the Pulitzer Prize here.
Did you know that many of the worlds top copywriters,
working for 7-9 figure brands, even PURPOSELY will
go through and ADD errors to their emails and sales
Yup. Why?
Because it increases conversions. They get more sales
as a result!!!
Turns out it makes their copy more authentic. More human.
Almost like talking one on one to a person.
Kinda like what ‘ye olde emails are for.
You can take this email, straight to the bank.
I challenge you, write an email a day for the next 30 days
to your list. Be authentic, tell stories, speak conversational,
and have a few irresistible offers sprinkled in there that
will really help ‘em.
If you don’t have that, use this:
And if you don’t have a list, that’s not the point. Get into the
habit of writing conversational email daily. It’s a skill that
will change your life.
Besides, you can throw a couple bucks at a few solo ads, get
some traffic from FB or a host of other places, and have a
fast growing list as soon as you decide to take this seriously.
We all start at Subscriber #0.
What’s important is that you START.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Why being DISSATISFIED is good?

Being extremely dissatisfied is totally a GOOD THING?
Yea, weird thing to say right? But it’s true.
Think about this. If you’re mildly dissatisfied or unhappy
with anything in your life, say, having a low income, or
being stuck in a job that you hate, you can “”deal”” with it.
And some people deal with it for 20-40 years until they
hit the retirement age!
They were dissatisfied just to the point where they could
put up with it, but not to the point where it would require
a CHANGE to be made.
Mild dissatisfaction is a terrible thing to have in my
It’s like a slow leak in a car tire. You can tolerate it, just
filling up the tire with air as needed. You could go on
doing that for a loooooong time.
Yet, if the tire were to experience a huge rip in its side
causing air to uncontrollably burst out, driving would be
You’d have to make a drastic change and get a new
tire immediately!
EXTREME dissatisfaction dictates that you just can’t take
things as they are anymore. That change MUST transpire.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to hit rock bottom,
or that your life has to be miserable in order for you to
create a better life for yourself and your family.
But it does mean that you need to get dissatisfied with
where you’re at right now. I mean REALLY dissatisfied.
It’s means you have to create a “”catalyst”” for change.
You have to create the urgency that the air isn’t slowly
leaking out of the tire (your life), it’s bursting open and
needs immediate attention and action to fix things!
What’s it that you see in your mind right now that
you’re fed up with? What would you like to be
better? What do you dream of achieving?
What does it feel like looking back to this day a few
months from now, having made the decision to
change and now you’re LIVING THE CHANGE?
HAVING the things you’ve always wanted…
Powerful stuff.
Create the catalyst in your mind, and then take the
actions to get there.
This can help you with the ACTION (go, go, go and
make the change now) part:
Because once you decide to make the change, you
still need a proven plan to follow to help you pull it
off and get to where you want to be in your life.
The mttb system is the best of it’s kind. Actually it
may be the only of it’s kind, as the big, juicy, high
ticket commissions are closed and SHARED with
It’s the actual profitable part of this business, which
most of the “”gurus”” are secretly hiding from you.
Not with mttb though. You’ll love the way this is all laid out for you.

How to Share the Wealth Before You Have It

As you probably know, I’m a big proponent of high ticket,
top tier income. The immediate benefits are obvious.

You can make $1k to $9k or higher PER CUSTOMER.
Just a few customers per month, and that’s a pretty
dang good income. I’m happy doing things this way.
It’s much easier to get to $10k per month with top tier
rather than trying to get there by selling cheap, $7
to $97 dollar offers.
Those lower ticket offers have their place, but it’s
not where your profits in this business will be
Not by a long shot. High. Ticket. Baby.
Now there’s also a not so obvious element to running
a highly profitable top tier driven business.
As you run a business like this, it’s easy not to be
greedy in your actions. Here’s the way I see it.
Most of us “”want”” to give to others, whether it be with
things, our time, or something else.
But either our time, or our income is most often limited
to the point where we just can’t.
And so we come off feeling like we’re THE GRINCH!!
Yet, running a top tier business like the one the mttb
system gives you, allows you to share the love even
before the sale.
How, you ask? Easy!
Through the bonuses and incentives you offer to your
What would you do for, or give to your prospects, if
you were earning $1k, $3k, $5k, commissions?
Way more than if they’ve only invested $17 dollars
with you right?
*You could send $200 of traffic to their affiliate links.
*You could help them get their first 500 leads.
*You could buy them a Kindle loaded with your top 5,
most life-changing books, mailed to their home with a
personal hand-written note from you included.
*You could offer to spend on hour on the phone for the
next month helping them grow their business.
*If they spent $5-10k with you, you might even travel
to their city or pay for them to come to you and do an
intense 2-3 days workshop getting them a profitable
funnel of their own up and running.
*And lots more…
We’re just touching the surface here, but do you think
something like that would be of value to your leads?
Think that may incline them to buy from you?
Do you think they’ll be more likely to take action and
succeed now as opposed to just buying another
“”guru course””?
So the lesson today? Don’t be greedy. Share the wealth.
Create irresistible bonuses that really help people. And…
Use a business model, like mttb, that will give you the
big commissions and will allow you to run a cool
business like this.
Doing things this way benefits everybody. Running a
top tier business benefits everybody. Make sense?