Thursday, July 31, 2014

Einstein's Groundwork for Online Business

No matter what venture it is, there’s always a certain point where everything just CLICKS in place…
Could be after you’ve been at the job a few weeks, and now you know exactly why and what you need to be doing.
There are many hobbies too, playing a musical instrument, painting, and so on where after tons of struggle, practice, and patience, now it just clicks.
It’s near effortless for you.
This same effect can happen in your online business.
And it most certainly WILL if you stick at it!
However, first things first…
If you’ve been struggling quite a while, you MUST change what
you’re doing ASAP!
Einstein was the one that said the definition of insanity
is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a
different result.
Thinking of this quote got me to realize Einstein basically stated how I imagine online business SHOULD be. 
How can we change online business for the better?
Change usually happens when you start to ask yourself “”openly
and honestly”” a set of specific questions.
Questions that point the
Questions like:
Why is it that what I’m currently doing isn’t working?
Am I REALLY being productive with my time?
Do my ACTIONS show that I’m treating this as a business, or
as a hobby?
When I look at what I’ve really done (created products, built a
list, spent on advertising, made offers to my list…) and write
it out on paper, does it show why I’ve not been successful?
Am I producing more, or consuming more?
And on the questions can go…
Only once you seriously look at the landscape you’re currently
playing in, only once you give yourself a serious reality check
and get real with yourself, can you see clearly what you need
to do.
And then, everything will quickly CLICK into place for you.
Then, you’ll start to profit and have fun in this business.
Need help with this?
Then check out this presentation:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The L.A.M.P. Method To Getting Results

Hey, how are things going right now in your online business
and life?

Are you getting the desired results that you want right now?
Wouldn’t it be cool, just like in the old Aladdin tale, if you
could simply rub a little lamp and that would set in motion
the cause, that will without a doubt, produce those results
for you?
Here’s a little method that can do exactly that, created by a
guy named Keith Ellis, namely for people that have troubles
following the traditional “”setting goals”” route.
The main power of this is the law of Cause and Effect.
You jump off a roof (the cause), the effect will take care of
itself (which isn’t so good in this illustration).
So let’s apply this here in a way that will greatly benefit you,
which you’ll discover through the l.a.m.p. method:
Lock On: What is it that you really want out of your business?
You’ve got to start here. (Remember the Aladdin tale? Your
wish is my command, rub the genie etc…?) Gotta start there.
Act: After you know what it is you want, then you can break
things down into doable steps and take action, thus setting
in motion the causes to get your results, the effect.
Manage Your Progress: Are you producing your desired
results now? You won’t know unless you’re tracking! If you’re
not, this is the point where you’ll adjust and repeat step
Persist: Finish what you start. Most people give up way too
fast. Don’t let that be you. Keep at it and you WILL find your
There ya go…
Follow this handy little method, and you’ll be well on your
way to hitting those goals that you haven’t been able to
conquer just yet. =)
And if you want to dig much deeper on this, feel free to
check out Keith’s book, The Magic Lamp: Goal Setting
For People Who Hate Setting Goals.
It still begs the problem: Many online REALLY struggle with
finding the appropriate cause to get the desired result. This
is an issue no matter how much goal setting and planning
they do.
It’s because there is so much noise online and so many
different ways and methods to go about it all.
And when you look at starting an online business, where do
you even start?
It just seems so overwhelming, right from the get go, right?
MTTB could be your "magic lamp" solution:
You’ll still want to follow the l.a.m.p. method outlined above.
But now, you’ll know you’ve got a sure plan to get ya where
you want to go!


There’s something called Sunk Cost Syndrome (SCS), and if we’re not careful, we’ll let it drag us down for far too long…
It can be the difference between -$100,000 in our bank account. Or $100,000+.
Sunk cost syndrome is when we invest ourselves in something. And then we view that thing differently in some way -only because we’re now vested in it.
Or, we feel “obligated” to stick it out…
This can be demonstrated in various ways:
We go to a movie and the first 45 minutes are terrible.
What do we do?
We rarely just get up and leave. We stick it through
another 45 minutes.
We’ve invested into watching the movie already. We
feel like we must complete it.
We’re in a relationship where the other person is
abusive and bad to us. What do we do?
Most will stick it out. Because they’ve invested too
much into that relationship already.
You’ve got a t-shirt from the 90′s with holes in it,
it’s faded, and it’s got about 25 years of stink on it.
But you wouldn’t sell it for $1,000 bucks.
Why? Because you’ve taken ownership of it. You
value it more highly than anyone else does. You’re
invested into that shirt, that’s literally worthless to
anybody else.
Now for many things, there is nothing wrong with
this, and it can even be downright good for you.
However, in other areas, it can prove to be toxic.
Take business for example:
Maybe you’ve set up a website, or you’ve got a
project you’ve been working on.
Thing is, you’ve been at it for years and it’s still
not profitable.
You’re fully invested in it.
It’s tough to just up and abandon it.
But sometimes we’ve got to get past the emotional
side of things and just move on.
The past matters much less than the future.
You can choose to stop anything. Right. Now.
So if this business hasn’t been working for you
If your plan isn’t panning out for you right now…
Then it’s time to cut the cord and try something new
that actually works.
Many people were struggling online for years. Making
nothing, or maybe just the odd commissions here and
there, but nothing fantastic.
That is until they got started with MOBE:
This business simply works because it takes most of
the load off of YOUR shoulders, which will allow you
the ability to quickly profit.
And it focuses heavily on fixing the ECONOMICS of
your business.
Which means more money in your pockets.
Much more.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lessons from Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest men alive.
Not only that, but he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth either.
He started with very little and EARNED his way
to the top.
There’s a decision that he made early on that
helped him to get to where he is today.
He realized that in order for him to make good
decisions, he had to focus on just a few companies.
It would be impossible to make smart investments
in 100′s of companies, he thought.
He picked 10…
The safest investments…
Invested HEAVILY in them…
And he achieved extraordinary wealth as a result.
All when many others were trying to invest in
everything under the sun and were going
It’s a true case of Less is More.
Today, there’s a million and one ways to make an
income online.
Lot’s of methods, systems, niches, and so forth
that can keep you running in circles the rest of
your life trying to figure the best one to go with.
Instead of doing that, which is not only unprofitable,
but also highly stressful…
Do like Mr. Buffet here and invest heavily in just a
few ventures.
The ones with the highest probability of success.
And what is that you say?
Well, I can’t speak for you, but for many, it’s just
too risky to try to do things all by yourself.
To try to create from scratch isn’t very easy.
It’s not likely you’ll just pick up an ebook or course
and make a ton of money from it either…
Those all aren’t the safest bets for most.
Discover a proven system, one that gives you a coach,
one that’s got a track record of making partners millions,
and makes it possible for the little guy -and everyone
in between- to succeed massively…
Now you’ve got something to invest your time and
energies to.
That exact system can be found right here:
This is the first step in leveraging your way into a very lucrative business for you.
VERY lucrative.

Profiting From Selfish Customers

When we’re selling things online -or anywhere for that matter- 
We’ve got to realize that people are very selfish.
As we most ALL are when we’re buying things.
When we buy, we’re NOT thinking about the salesman and how we can be of service or benefit HIM.
No, we’re seeking service for ourselves.
And so, when "we" are the salesman, we want to make sure that we flip the script up there in our brains.
We want to make sure that we are offering service.
A great way to do this is to always ask "What Else?".
"What else does this person need/want?"
"What else can I do to stack the odds of success in their
"What else will make this offer even more irresistible for

And so on…
Another way we can do this is to actually provide service.
We can do this by showing them the advantages of what
we’re offering.
We can provide samples of our content/service upfront.
We can show proof/demonstrate that what we have works.
And then, the natural result will be for them to buy -no
hard selling required!
This type of marketing has worked for ages!
Which would sell easier, going door to door selling coffee
by the 5 lb. bag, or going door to door dropping off to
targeted people a free 1/2 lb. bag, in which you promise
to come by in a few days to see what they thought of it?
This type of selling by offering samples has been tested,
in many markets, including the one above, and it sells
better 10X.
What’s going to sell better, going door to door showing
people your $2,000 vacuum cleaner, or plugging the
vacuum into their wall, dropping a mess on the floor,
and demonstrating the power of that machine?
Letting the customer literally "experience" the vacuum’s
power and value by using it themselves!
Again, from selling vacuums to knives to
blenders and 1000′s of other examples…
Selling by demonstration marketing in this case, sells
infinitely better.
Lot’s of ways you can do this in your online business
as well.
And that’s exactly what the MTTB Systems does and
teaches you to do:
For one, you get full access to the entire system, which
has thousand’s of dollars of value packed into it, for
absolutely nothing.
This is basically a way to make sure you’re the right
person that will be a success with the system, and it’s
a way to weed out all the tire kickers.
This is uber important because you’ll actually be given
your own successful coach, so instead of them wasting
time with people with no real drive to succeed, they’ll
be able to focus in just on offering value to serious
people like yourself.
You’ll also see a demonstration of the system at work
for countless other members, as they share their results
and how they’re doing it within the program and the live
support groups. (The support groups are awesome!)
And, you can watch the mttb system presentation and see
if it may be a fit for you or not.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Tony Robbins Quote To Take You To The Next Level…

Tony Robbins said these powerful words: "Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions. And as a result, they get better answers."
There is such a thing as DUMB QUESTIONS.
And, there is such a thing as people being afraid
to ask certain questions, in fear that it will make
them look bad.
For Example:
People are really struggling somewhere…
But they ask a different question, a surface
question. They hold back.
And mainly, it’s just to protect their EGO.
We all like to look like we know what we’re doing
But this can greatly inhibit us in getting the help
that we really need.
Can we make ourselves more Vulnerable?
A lot of times, we want to ask people who are
where we want to be, what ACTIONS they took
to get there.
When rather, we should be asking about the
“”thoughts”” behind the actions that got them there.
And there’s the key.
Copying actions doesn’t guarantee the same results.
You gotta find out what the thoughts and actions
behind it all were too.
And then, model that.
Their Behavior.
Whenever you have a chance to ask somebody
these things, remember, it’s not all about all the
little step-by-step, technical stuff…
What are their rituals, their habits, and their
thoughts that enabled them to hit these goals?
That’s where the power will be for you to tap
in to.
For instance, take the mttb system for example.
The system works like crazy. That’s a proven fact.
But how are people from all walks of life
succeeding with this?
What mindset and habits are separating the top
10 earners from the lowest earners, even though
they’ve got the same system to work with?
That’s what’s even cooler about this specific
You not only get the system, but you get a coach,
and you get access to HIGHLY INTERACTIVE
live groups on FB, where you can chat and get
training and advice from the top earners.

PLATO on Business Success

Greek Philosopher Plato said that necessity was the mother of invention.
And once you realize this, it can clarify a lot of things about
your business and in your life.
It explains why -Miraculously- you can get a project done,
all at last minute, when you did nothing on it for weeks
Why? Again, necessity. It HAD to be done or you’d lose your job or face whatever consequence is there.
It explains why some of the best ideas come out of terrible
It tells us why people that are working over 80+ hours a
week have to do something different, because they just
can’t keep on that way. Necessity breeds change.
And, it’s the reason why somebody that’s laid off from their
job finally makes this internet business actually work for
It’s succeed or drown. Success for them…
What about for you?
Is this business optional for you? Is there any real urgency
you’ve created to succeed?
The thing is, our brain doesn’t care if the urgency is real,
or if we’ve just created it ourselves.
So, set deadlines for your online goals, set rewards and
accountabilities. Ultimatums even.
Find a way to make taking action and succeeding an
absolute necessity to you and your families welfare.
Because as Plato said, necessity is the mother of invention.
And… it’s the mother of profit too!
Another thing that can help here is having a partner, or
someone to hold you accountable to your goals.
So if you say that you want to earn $10,000 next month,
they’ll hold you to the fire to get it done. To do whatever
it takes to get there.
Coaches are great for this.
The thing is though is coaches are out of the reach for
many people. It can cost $500 a month on the low end
to $25,000+ a month on the high end of coaching.
With the MTTB System right now, you get a top coach
(6-7 figure earners in their own right), there to help,
train, and hold you accountable to succeed and take
things to the next level.