Monday, October 27, 2014


It was 1am in the morning. 
Matt Lloyd sees another one of his partners just
made $3,000 in cold hard commissions. 
He checks to see who it was.
This guys name was Frank Torchia.
And he’s 85 YEARS OLD. 
And he made this commission by following the
simple steps laid down in MTTB: 
When asked to give others advice, Frank says to Never Give Up!! No matter what age you are. 15 or 115!! 
He says to have the right MINDSET. He says
to DO IT! 
And Frank plans on doing this crazy fun business
another 15 years, which is just AWESOME!! 
If you’ve yet to build this business up to where you
want yet, what’s YOUR EXCUSE? And get results just like Frank. 
Maudine Brubaker

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Let MOBE take care of your big to-dos!!

Yep. I said it… To-do lists alone are WORTHLESS. 

Yet, this is how most people try to get things done.
They write down all of their “to-dos” for the day,they look at the HUGE list, get overwhelmed, and
get very little if any of it actually done. 
To-do lists are ineffective because it should NOT be
the end all be all. 
It’s STEP 1. 
Here’s what you do, according to Cal Newport, one of
the most productive guys out there. 
Write down your to-do list, then, schedule everything
What this does is it FORCES you to see exactly how
long it will take to do something, and, how much time
YOU have to do it. 
This also works well because in your mind, you’ve
committed yourself to actually DOING the things in
that time frame. 
So for example: 
9:00 Purchase 500 clicks, 100 clicks each from 5
different solo ad vendors. (2 hrs.)
11:00 Check stats and start 3 new ads on FB. ( 1 hr.) 
12:00-1:30 Lunch and Exercise. 
2:00 Work on new sales letter and offer. (2 hrs.) 
4:00 Write and send out valuable email to list. ( 1 hr.) 
5:00 Check email, head home to eat dinner with family. 
Etc… Alright, you get the point right? 
This is waaaaay more effective than just writing 30 things
that pop up in your head and writing it out on a to-do list,
hoping and praying that you at least get a few of the things
knocked out. 
Scheduling it in to specific times makes it real. It makes
you committed to doing it. 
And, it makes you confident that’ll you can reasonably
get it all done. 
Next, you want to set up concrete boundaries, and work
from there. 
Whatever it is, if you’ve got 1 hour a day to work this
business, or 8, you fit everything you need into that
This will force you to say NO more, to weed out doing the
non-essential, and just focusing in on the big needle-mover
This will also allow you to actually have a life and avoid
getting burned out!!
Further, don’t just plan out your day, plan out your WEEK.
This doesn’t have to take long. Simply spend an hour
Sunday night or early Monday morning and chart out
what you want and need to get done. 
And finally, focus on doing DEEP WORK, not shallow
Checking all emails, making non-important phone calls,
looking busy just for the sake of looking busy is all shallow
work. It’s how most people work at their j-o-b-s. 
It’s constantly responding to low value, time consuming
things. You DO NOT want to do this. 
Do what counts. Do what makes a difference in your life
and the lives of others. 
Granted, all this isn’t simple, but having STRUCTURE
like this in your business, ironic as it sounds, will give
you more freedom then you’ve ever had before. 
This is especially the case if your to-dos isn’t that large
in the first place!!
You can accomplish this by partnering up with a business
model that’s already proven, running, and willing to do
most things FOR YOU. 
Like this system here: 
In essence, they’re taking care of all the big TO-DOS, and
you get to just focus on a few things. 
As a result, you profit handsomely, and you’re able to run a
lean business whilst having a great lifestyle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Profit like Terry Lamb!!

People from ALL WALKS OF LIFE are crushing it with
the MTTB System. 
This works so well because you can “plug in” to an
already working business model. 
Most business plans online require you to start from
This is HARD!!!!  Why not just take the EASY WAY??
Take Terry Lamb for example: 
(Not sayin’ you can be lazy and succeed. Ya can’t!
Still gotta do some things, buddy.) 
Terry likes to fly his planes, and generally have a
lot of fun. He treasures LIFESTYLE. 
He’s also super smart in that he recognizes he
doesn’t HAVE to do all the heavy lifting himself. 
That way, he focuses on the critical few, aka
sending his leads through the system (which
he mostly does all through non-paid advertising
methods, btw…) 
The “business model” goes to work FOR HIM,
and he get’s $1k, $3k, $5k commissions like
It’s kinda crazy, because I see messages that
Matt, the owner of this system sends him all
the time congratulating him…
"Hey, you just made $9k.”A few days later, “Hey, you just got $14k richer. 
Every few days or so, it seems like he’s getting
these messages. 
Again, usually these sales are made ON HIS
BEHALF, just as they are for the other
partners of MOBE.
This allows him all the time he wants to travel,
fly, and whatever the heck else he wants to
Do you want a lifestyle like that? 
Where you can do what you want, when you want,
and make more than you ever have before? 
It sounds too good to be true, but I assure you it’s
not. Watch this presentation and it’ll all make sense for you: 
And if you’ve got any questions afterwards, just let
me know. 
I’m here to support you in your success. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


One of the biggest things you need in this industry
is steady support and mentoring. 
Yep. You need your personal YODA. Usually, this is hard to come by. 
It’ll either cost way too much… 
…Or, you’ll be “promised” support, but after they get
your money, you can’t get ANY HELP at all!! 
For one, you get your very own success coach. These
coaches are meticulously chosen. 
They’re the cream of the crop, top marketers themselves.
Many are 6-7 figure earners. 
Let that sink in: You. Get. Your. Own. Coach!! #Incredible. 
Next, you get access to multiple PRIVATE MEMBER
For instance, the main members group has over 9,000
members at the moment. 
Others are even smaller, more intimate groups. 
All of them are filled with incredible information. 
Knowledge bombs worth thousands are being
dropped in these groups daily.
And what’s better, is you have all of the top earners,
coaches, staff, and other successful members right
there at your finger tips. 
Got a question? Need help? Stuck? 
Want to share a minor or major success?
Want to know you’re headed in the right direction? 
Whatever it is, this group is there for you. 
It’s invaluable stuff really!! 
How often is it that you can converse with the top
earners in a company, and they’re willing and ready
to openly help you and point you in the right
Not because they’re obligated to, but because they
They WANT to see you succeed.
And they’re incredibly passionate about and know
from personal experience that this system will get
you there: 
If you want world-class support that will always be
there for you… 
…If you want access to the best system currently
on the market, which is constantly evolving and
being made better… 
Hope to see your introduction in the groups and I
look forward to seeing your comment of your
very first big commission with this system!! 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Cinnabon in malls, MMM...

The guys over at Cinnabon can reveal to us some VERY
VALUABLE business strategies. 
Things that can put serious dough (the non fattening kinds)
into our pockets. 
Firstly, look at Cinnabon and where they pick their locations.
Most every other food store is ‘within’ the Food Court. 
Not Cinnabon. They’re located far from it! What does this do? 
It allows the fresh, piping hot aroma of buttery bread, sugar
and cinnamon to float through the halls and into the stores. 
There’s NO OTHER scent for your ‘smeller’ to compete with.
This creates a near irresistible urge that goes straight to your
brain and BEGS you to go buy something from them. 
If you’ve got these stores in your local mall, then you’ve no
doubt experienced this. Either way, it works like crazy!
Our lesson? For one, are you marketing LIKE everyone else, and WHERE everyone else is? 
If so, then you’re missing out on some big opportunities!! 
How can you make your business the only scent in the biz?
Well, you’ve got to learn to think outside of the box a bit. Maybe
even get in an entirely different box and think outside of that
one!  What do I mean? 
Think about this, how many people do you think wouldn’t
mind making extra income on the side? 
Is it JUST opportunity seekers, IM’ers, Warrior Forum members,
Network Marketers and so forth?  Nope, not by a long shot! 
Put it this way, there are very few people that wouldn’t mind a few
thousand extra g’s in their pockets at the end of each month, or
So what I’m saying is to niche out of the normal industries that you
may be trying to sell in right now. Get out of the food court! 
Could you try to market with the angle of side money for service
men like plumbers, electricians, and carpenters? 
How about hair stylist’s wanting to earn an extra 2-4k a month
How about seasonal workers like pool installers, accountants,
teachers, lawn-care, etc… that may want to make more in their
off months than they make in their normal working season? 
Could you set-up little mini-sequences for a few of these and
then move them into your main business funnel?
Marketing in this sense, you’re like Cinnabon. 
Yes, yes, and yes. YOU CAN. And I hope you do. 
Because how many other business opportunities are they
catching the ‘scent’ of? Likely none. At least not how you’ll
be doing it. 
There’s some killer ideas here. Think outside of the box.
Stand apart from everyone else. Separate yourself from
the others in the ways outlined above, and in other ways
which you can think of by just brainstorming a bit. 
DO THIS, and you’ll have a very, VERY profitable business
on your hands. And, you’ll have the satisfaction of helping
these people make a nice side-income, or even career
changing income that they wouldn’t have came across
Of course, you DO need to make sure your business is
pre-built, streamlined, and ready to actually make you
the profits when you start attracting these new people
into your marketing funnels. 
That’s what this intelligent business system does for you: 
Problem. Solved. It’s a true done-for-you profit system. 
It’s even so “hands-off” that THE TEAM will close big,
lucrative deals for you and you get from $1k-$9k and
up commissions! 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

THIS is Luxury…

Selling product online isn’t just selling/delivering a
product, or, service for that matter.
It’s also about selling/delivering the EXPERIENCE. 
Giving a person a sense of status and exclusivity. And yes, making them FEEL that they’re even better than their “lower paying” counterparts.
Take for instance the experience that Singapore
Flights gives it’s Suite Class passengers:
The room you get on this flight is described as “Private
cabins that cocoon you in your own little lap of luxury.” 
And that’s exactly what you get. The interior is designed by a French luxury yacht designer. 
Your chair is stitched in italian leather. Stressing check-in at the airport? 
Forget about it! You get your own stress-free VIP
entrance. You don’t even get your bags weighed
Because you’re better than First Class. 
*Your own bellhop? Check.
*Golden Ticket? Check.
*Pass to “The Private Room”? Check.
*Best food on the planet? Check.
*Everybody knows you by name? Check.
*Don Perignon? Check.
*Givenchy blankets, pillows, pajamas and slippers?
*Jamaican Blue-Mountain Coffee ($120 lb.) Check.
*Private Movie experience with BOSE headphones?
*The list of luxury goes on and on…
It’s true, you could get a flight going to the exact
same spot for probably $2-3k. 
As a suite class member, you’ll be shelling out
nearly $20k. 
So why do people book these flights like clockwork
at a seemingly exorbitant cost? 
Now you may be saying to yourself, “That’s just not
Maybe that’s true, maybe not. 
But what we want to look at is the viewpoint of your
customer, not YOU. 
And there are always a set number of your customers
that crave, want, and are looking for ‘the experience’. 
And if you’re not giving it to them, you’re losing a lot
of cash. 
Imagine, just 1 out of every 10 of your customers (it’ll
be more than that) that spend, say $97 bucks with
…And they choose your more top notch program or
service for $2k to $26k and up. 
Would something like this change your business?
Would it change your life? 
What if 3 out of 10 joined your Top Tier opportunities?
Again, would that change your life? 
You better believe it will. 
And that’s what MTTB is about. 
My Top Tier Business helps you attract the elite. It
unlocks the opportunity to lucrative commissions
sold FOR YOU. 
This results in your own little version of Singapore
Flights Suite Class. 
Join the system, interact with the other new and
successful members in the groups, and start
getting your own lucrative commissions right

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

3 Simple Steps To $50,000

I’m amazed at all the case studies that are coming through the MTTB System each day. 

Take Earnest Lim, for example:
A super nice guy, but not some “guru” by any means. Yet, that hasn’t held him back from banking over $50,000 with MOBE. And he’s just getting started.

How has he done it? 
Well, with the powerful system you get with this company, it’s just not too difficult if you can follow the directions and listen to your coach. 
Once you’re in the system and ready to start promoting,
you’ll see the 3 Steps in your members area:
Step 1: Start Promoting!
For this, Earnest simply goes to events and online, and
networks with people already interested in this industry,
aka: Warm Markets.
And, he leverages Solo Ad buys regularly. 
Step 2: Check Your Stats! What doesn’t get measured,
doesn’t get improved. Earnest uses the easy to check
system MOBE gives you to track everything you need
to track. #EasyPeezy
Step 3: Get Paid! This is the fun part! And again, Earnest
has already past $50,000 and will hit $100,000 in no time
flat, I’m sure of it. 
This is because many other members have already past
this in their personal earnings with this system: 
And others have already hit 7 figures. 
This is as real and as amazing and as lucrative as any
opportunity that is available out there today. 
If you’ve got the drive to take action like Earnest and
many others have, then that’s ALL you need. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to make everyone HAPPY

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld recently won a CLIO Award. 
It’s a prestigious award given out to those in the world
of advertising, which is where Seinfeld got his start. 
In his brief Thank You speech, he lays down some
SERIOUS insights into the psyche of a buyer. 
He starts off by saying that he loves advertising
because he loves lying. (He’s only half serious
here, remember, he’s a comedian!) 
What he’s really saying here and goes on to say is
that in advertising, everything is sold as the way
you WISH it was.
And that people like that. 
It’s the ‘feeling’ people get that they love so much. 
It’s the feeling they get between the gap of seeing the
advertisement and owning the thing they’re about to
buy that makes them feel so happy. 
That’s ALL that 90% of people want. 
“”Tell me it’s great, I don’t have to be happy all the time,
just give me this brief moment of happiness.” 
That’s where most people are, whether they realize it
or not. 
And if YOU realize this, it can totally transform your
marketing and business. 
**Cough** Give people what they want! **Cough**
Paint the picture of what’s possible (It really is if they
take action), make them overjoyed, give them the
amazing feeling of the purchase. 
And as Seinfeld revealed. This alone will make 90% of
your customers and list happy. 
(This is also by the way why you see serial buyers,
they buy how-to products day in and out for the
feeling, the experience of “what’s possible”. It’s
like crack to them.)
But, what if we could take it a step further than that? 
What if we could actually deliver on the experience? 
Now, only a set percentage of the market will stand
up and use what you give them, whether it be an
info-product or a set of P90X workouts, etc… 
But that’s not your fault. You want to simply help those
that WANT to change their lives. 
You want to give them that HAPPY experience when
they buy, after they buy, and for years to come. 
That’s how you create a 6-7 figure business, and it’show you have wonderful friendships… 

…And, it’s how you change lives, yes, even yours. 
You just don’t give them the happy feeling of buying.
You support, guide, and deliver on what you say. 
Crazy thought, huh…?
If you need a system and WORLD to do this in,
then watch this brief presentation and decide to
get started as soon as you possibly can. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Easy 5 Step Formula For Success

Today, I want to briefly outline a simple 5 step formula
for success, plus the ONE KEY INGREDIENT. 
This one key ingredient is one that most people miss.
And, it’s the one the gurus almost never talk about.
(‘Tis very hush hush…)
The 5 Step Formula For Success: 
STEP 1: Offer a free gift. The free gift should be VALUABLE.
Doesn’t have to be big, in fact quite the opposite. 
Yet, the person should feel like they just got $97 or more in
value out of it. It should help solve a problem they have, or,
it should give them something they want and will use. 
Do a little brainstorming and market research. 
It’s not hard, you just gotta do it.
STEP 2: People will enter their email address to get the
free gift. 
Here, all you have to do is GIVE IT TO THEM!* Don’t make
them jump through a bunch of hoops. Simply give them
what you said you would right away. Easy. 
*Providing an unannounced bonus as well, is always
something your new members will appreciate. 
STEP 3: Deliver Valuable Email Newsletters. 
At this point, you’ve provided them with something great,
and here you keep on stacking up the VALUE. 
You simply send out entertaining, valuable, non-spammy
emails every day or so. 
Over time, these people will begin to know, like, and trust
you more and more. 
STEP 4: Recommend Products and Services that solve
their big problems. 
These may be products or opportunities you’ve used or
are using. It may be something that you KNOW is what
this person needs and wants. 
They trust you, so your ‘honest’ recommendation will go
a LONG WAY here. Screw them here by just trying to
make a quick buck and you can kiss that customer
And at this point, it’s not pushy or spammy at all. You’resimply recommending something from the position of
their trusted advisor. They’ll appreciate you doing this
as long as you’re on the up and up and do it right. 

STEP 5: Rinse and Repeat! 
You keep solving their problems, serving them, and
providing amazing value. Never stop doing this.
Now, that doesn’t seem too difficult to do, right? 
And the truth is, it’s NOT!! 
Don’t make this business any harder than it needs
to be. 
Of course, you do want to have the right support
structure in place for you to profit handsomely as
And, you want the right structure to offer the highest
form of value for your tribe of leads and customers
that will be on this list. 
That’s what MTTB is about: 
If you’ll pair the simple steps I’ve outlined above
with the system in the link, then you’ll have a
VERY lucrative, easy, and fun to run business on
your hands. 
The two go together like bread and butter, ebony
and ivory, peanut butter and jelly… 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Do this one thing today…

Today I want to encourage you to do this: 
One simple thing to move your business forward.
To move you one step closer to your dream
I don’t even care if it just takes 5 minutes to do. If
you’ve been putting things off, now’s the time to
take a stand and get it done. 
Here’s the reason I want you to do this: 
It could be the thing that pushes you over the edge
into success! 
That one small act can trigger much bigger acts as
a result. 
Tons of studies and research proves this. 
In fact, many people now are developing “habit plans”.
And I urge you to do this as well! 
For example, let’s say that you have a goal to lose
You need a trigger, and, a habit plan. 
So you decide to set your alarm clock at a spot where
you have to get out of bed to go turn it off. 
Perhaps you’ve put the alarm inside of or nearby your
running shoes. 
And the night before, you went to sleep in your running
The alarm is the trigger. Now you’re up. All you have to
do is slip on your shoes, get out the door and run. 
And again, the effects multiply from there in a way that
you can’t even imagine. 
I know of a woman whose husband left her. She was
devastated, depressed, and lost. 
As a result she turned to very bad habits for a while that
wasn’t “her”. 
So, she wanted to quit smoking. Instead of smoking, she
went for runs. 
She started to enjoy runs so much that she decided to
run a marathon. (Now she’s fit like crazy!)
She meets a great new guy at a marathon. Her confidence
is now soaring, and she get’s a huge promotion at work. 
One small action, running instead of smoking, and it
transformed her life. 
That’s what one small act can do for you too. 
Of course, like this lady, you don’t want to just stop there. 
You want to be consistent. And you want to keep the ball
rolling once you start. And it’ll come MUCH easier when
you set up triggers and a personal habit plan.
Today, do something for yourself that’s truly productive.
Not watching, reading, or soaking in info. But actually
DOING something! 
And then, when you’re ready to take things to the next
level, go here: 
Hope you get some newfound joy, confidence, and
success after your small action today!! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Less than 100 days left…

There’s less than 100 days left in the year. How will
they play out for you? 
Here’s a cold hard fact:
You can do A LOT in under a 100 days. You can even
step up your game and totally redeem yourself and
your goals if you haven’t accomplished what you’ve
set out to do this year yet.
And here’s the cool thing, having this fixed date in
mind (The last day of 2014!) gives you a great
fixed deadline to hit. 
And deadlines are critical to succeeding online.
Most big gurus will tell you that they’d never get
anything launched if they didn’t have a near ‘set in
stone’ deadline. 
It pushed them to GET IT DONE, no matter what. 
In these last months of the year, you can look at
WHY you haven’t accomplished what you wanted
What are the gaps?
Why didn’t it work?
What can you do differently now? 
Again, this can arm you with a lot of power to finish
the year off strong, which will in turn help you start
2015 like an absolute beast. (And that’s a good
So, can you challenge yourself to absolutely CRUSH
IT in these last few months!? 
I know you can!!!!
You Got This!!!!
Get serious, get focused, know where to say NO,
and prioritize and do what counts. 
Think smart, act bold, and get it done with a do or
die attitude. 
Let’s rock out these last few months. I’m in this
with you. 
I believe in you!