Saturday, November 29, 2014

Do You Have a Bias for Action?

I was poking around on MattLloyd.TV the other day, listening to some in-depth coaching sessions Matt has done with a few of his MTTB members. And I heard Matt gives some advice that really floored me. 
Matt was telling how he’d helped another member put together and a webinar to generate traffic and sales for her business. 
Matt showed her how to use a free webinar program. Then he told her to schedule a webinar and invite people to it within 24 hours! “Create the webinar before you have any idea what the content is going to be. Now you have a deadline. Now you’ve given yourself 24 hours to get the actual content done. And now you’ll work faster.”
Now, that’s what I call a bias for action!
But the more I think about it, the more I realize Matt is right. Setting deadlines, committing to action is the best way to get things done. It’s the best way to overcome inertia. It’s the best way to overcome procrastination. The best way to overcome stifling perfectionism. 
What’s the worst that could happen to this MTTB member? 
Maybe she looks a little foolish in front of a handful of webinar attendees. And that’s just a maybe.
But what she’ll gain in experience, overcoming her fears, feedback from real, live customers, and maybe even a few sales…will be well worth it. 
What do you need to commit to today? Set a date to do it…in 24 hours or less if at all possible. 
Commit first and figure out the details later.
Maudine Brubaker

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Why Internet Marketers Still Need Born Sales People

What’s your most deep-seated fear? If you’re like most human beings, it’s the fear of rejection.
Did you know that most people rank the fear of public speaking as scarier than the fear of death? 

Rejection is scarier than death. Why? Because way down deep in our genes, we equate rejection with death! 
Acceptance and belonging and approval have been key to our very survival for eons and ages. Getting kicked out of the group meant isolation, starvation and death. And though we no longer forage for food at the edge of survival, deep within our prehistoric hearts, we all still shudder at the thought of being rejected. 
Well, almost all of us. Born sales people seem to have overcome this deep, all-too-human fear. (And we either exalt them or loathe them for it, depending on our experience with sales people). But the rest of us retain that primal fear of rejection.
In fact, I think it might be the one primal fear that holds more would-be entrepreneurs back than any other. 
“I’m just not a sales person.”
“I couldn’t sell a cheese burger to a starving man.”
“I don’t like it when people say no.”
So, one response is to say, “It doesn’t matter that I’m not a born sales person, I’ll just hide behind my computer screen and make tons of cash through internet marketing! IM doesn’t require any face-to-face selling! No smiling and dialing phone sales either!” 
And that used to be a pretty good plan about 15 years ago. But not anymore. And here’s why…
Fifteen years ago you used to be able to drive inexpensive traffic to an inexpensive website and sell inexpensive items at a fair price and reap some decent profits.
And while it was never as EASY as it looked…it was do-able. There wasn’t much competition in a lot of markets. And what competition there was, often wasn’t very sophisticated. So, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man was king. 
Now every niche has been exploited. Big companies are spending big stupid money on traffic and driving up the cost for everyone else. Margins have been slashed to razor-thin in most niches. These days, if you’re trying to sell inexpensive products on the web, you’re probably doomed to an “Amazon dystopia.” 
Good luck with that. 
The answer is to sell high-priced, high-margin products. 
But guess what it takes to sell high-priced, high-margin products? 
That’s right…it takes born sales people. 
So we’re back where we started. 
What’s the answer? Find a system where the high-priced, high-margin products are sold by highly-skilled sales people that work FOR YOU. And you just concentrate on driving the traffic. 
That’s how MTTB does it. 
They give you a 21 Step, proven system for generating leads for high-priced products…AND they provide you with highly-skilled sales people to close the sales for you. You never have to get on the phone if you don’t want to. You never have to push or cajole or prod or pressure anyone. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

From McMuffins to Blogging for Millions

John Chow claims to be unemployable. 
He worked at McDonald’s for a total of 4 hours and quit. He did phone sales for a carpet cleaning company and got canned. Then he sold car audio at a retail store and was fired.
He’s worked for someone else for a total of about 8 months. He quickly realized that he couldn’t work for someone else. He considers himself unemployable. 
So, he taught himself internet marketing. Built websites. Made some money. Started a very successful blog. 
Then he discovered MTTB. 
What happened next? You’ll be blown away. 
And, yes, I’m linking you to John’s testimonial because it proves MTTB works and I’d like you to give it at try…but pay close attention to what John says about internet marketing and how MTTB does it even if you decide not to give MTTB a try. 

It’s an online marketing lessons all by itself.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Fill in the Blanks of Life Problems

Legendary direct response copywriter, Gary Halbert, once said, “Writing does get easier. However, starting to write does not.”
What he meant was that, as he matured and developed his writing chops, the actual work of writing got easier. That makes sense. 
But what never got easier was the starting. Overcoming procrastination. Just sitting down at the blank page and beginning. Eliminating all the distractions. Pushing out all the voices in your head that are telling you, “You can’t do it. You’re not good enough. It’s going to be painful. You’re not ready”. 
We all know that feeling. For you it may not be writing. It may be some other important project. It may be starting your online business. 
The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people doesn’t have much to do with preparedness, skill, intelligence, money. It has everything to do with action. 
Successful people begin before they’re ready. They don’t procrastinate. They don’t wring their hands over all the things that could go wrong. They don’t hesitate because they’re not _____ enough. Fill in the blank: Rich enough. Tall enough. Strong enough. Handsome enough. Smart enough. Experienced enough. 
Successful people know that they will never be 100% ready. In fact, waiting until you’re 100% ready is the best way to insure you’ll never be successful. 
Here’s a motto successful people live by…
Ready, Fire, Aim.
Do you live by that motto? 
If you think it sounds like a foolish motto, stay tuned. I’ll tell you why “ready, fire, aim” is a far more effective method for achieving your goals than “ready, aim, fire” in my next message. 
Maudine Brubaker

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fail Fast to Succeed Faster

You’re going to fail. 
How do you feel when you read that sentence? 
A lot of wanna-be entrepreneurs read that sentence and their heart thumps faster. Their brow starts to glisten with sweat. Their face flushes. 
They get afraid. 
And so they never start. Or they over analyze, question, delay, and hesitate until the opportunity…or life itself…has passed them by. 
Do you know how the most successful people on the planet respond when they read that sentence? 
They say, “Yes, I’m definitely going to fail a few times so I better get started and get those failures out of the way, learn from the feedback, correct my course, and eventually succeed. 
For unsuccessful people failure = fear
For successful people failure = feedback
For successful people, failure provides essential feedback. Feedback they must have in order to know what works, what doesn’t, where the road gets bumpy, where they need to turn right instead of left. And on and on. 
Failure illuminates the roadmap to success.
So, successful people prefer to get their failures out of the way as soon as possible.

They live by “Ready, fire, aim”. 
They fire as fast as they can in order to get the feedback they need to correct their aim for the NEXT shot. 
If you spend all your time getting ready and aiming…the opportunity flies away. 
Life flies away. 
When you’re ready to start firing and getting the essential feedback you need to start moving in the direction of your financial freedom…
is the best first shot you can take. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Best Use of Your “Free Time”

Last time I warned you about the dangers of applying the 80/20 Principle. I told you how some entrepreneurs simply are not equipped, mentally or emotionally, to handle the free time that outsourcing, eliminating, delegating, and other 80/20 applications make available to them.
And I promised to tell you how to maximize your newfound “free time”. I have four recommendations for how to spend your time. Four ways that will maximize your income…
1. Play. Do things that you enjoy that have nothing to do with your business. Ever notice how you get your best ideas while jogging, walking, taking a shower, sleeping, playing with your kids, or having dinner with your spouse? There’s a reason for that. A scientific reason. Your subconscious brain makes powerful and startling connections, when you’re at play…connections it will never make when you’re “working on” those same ideas consciously. Want big, breakthrough ideas that will take your business to the next level? Play and rest more.

2. Listen. Take out a notepad and a pen and ask the universe to talk. If you’re spiritual, ask your higher power. Ask God. Then just listen and write what you “hear”. You can ask for an answer to a specific problem. You’ll be surprised at the powerful ideas you’ll get. Guaranteed.

3. Think about how to find more customers. “How can I get my offer in front of more people?” This is always a good problem for an entrepreneur to be working on. Sure, you can outsource aspects of traffic generation, but finding creative ways to get your offer in front of more paying customers is always a high-level, high-payoff activity. It is always worth your time.

4. Think about how to increase your “lifetime customer value”. “How can I create more expensive, more valuable, more beneficial programs for my customers to invest in?” Again, always worth your time. 
Do these four things with your free time and you’ll maximize your income. 
Don’t have enough free time to leverage these power activities yet? Here’s how you get it…

Monday, November 17, 2014

Read This Before You Make Your New Year’s Resolutions

There are only about 5 weeks left in 2014. 
Did you make New Year’s Resolutions back in January? 
If you did, then, with only about 40 days left in the year, it’s time to ask, 
“How did you do?” 
If you’re like most people, you made several resolutions, gave up on most of them by February, and can’t remember any of them now that we’re in November.  Ever wonder why that happens to so many of us? 
It’s not big secret. It happens because we make resolutions but don’t implement systems to make sure we achieve them. 
A resolution is “I want to lose 30 pounds”.
A system is “I will eat only 2000 calories every day and work out 3 times a week”.
(for someone who weighs about 200 pounds) 
A resolution is “I want to write a book”.
A system is “I will wake up an hour early every day and write 1,000 words per day”.
Here’s the difference between goals and systems. 
If you have a system and no goal, you’ll still achieve a lot.
If you have a goal and no system, you’ll never achieve anything.
Let’s look at the examples again. 
If you never set the goal for losing 30 pounds, but you stick to a system of eating 2000 calories per day and working out 3 times a week. You WILL lose 30 pounds. It might take 30 weeks, but it WILL happen. 
If you never set the goal of writing a book, but you stuck to your system of writing 1,000 words per day, then by the end of the year, you WOULD have written enough for 3 or 4 or 5 books! 
Goals don’t work. Systems do. 
So Here’s the Big Question: What’s your goal for your online business in 2015? 
Now, what’s your system for achieving it?  No system, no achievement. 
If you want a proven system that generates commissions of $1,000, $3,000 and $5,000, MTTB can’t be beat. 
So, what will it be in 2015? Another year of wishful thinking and empty resolutions? Or a year of putting proven money-making systems in place? It’s up to you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Do You Have What it Takes to Be an “Entrepreneur”?

What does it take to make a six-figure income online? 
Some people think it takes years of experience.Some people think it takes a deep knowledge of the internet marketing secrets.Some people think it takes a genius business mind 
Those people would be wrong. 
The only thing that really matters is…well, read Matt Lloyd’s blog about Scott Smith.When Scott passed $100,000 in commissions Matt interviewed him to find out how he did it. 
WARNING: Don’t read that blog post if you want to hang on to your precious excuses.
Because Scott will shatter all of them. 
Years of experience? Nope. Try 18 months.
Deep knowledge of internet marketing? Nope, didn’t even know how to “cc” an email.
Genius business mind? Nope. Just a humble plumber before he started with MTTB.
But he had one thing. Find out if you’ve got what Scott’s got.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Only Way to Get Off the Hamster Wheel

There are three kinds of people in this world…
There are people who are made to stay on the hamster wheel their whole life. And there are people who will do absolutely anything they can to never get on the hamster wheel in the first place. And there are people who find themselves on the hamster wheel and …wish they could get off. 
What’s the hamster wheel? It’s the rat race. It’s the day-to-day routine of get up, take a shower, drive to the office,
sit in the cubicle, punch the clock, drive home, watch TV, cash a paycheck once every 2 weeks. 
Repeat for 50 or so years. Then die. The hamster wheel keeps you in motion. It fools you into thinking you’re moving forward. 
But you’re just spinning. And spinning. And spinning. Constant action. But no progress.
It’s hypnotic. It’s deeply deceptive. It’s seductive. And most people choose to spend their whole lives spinning. Those are the first group. 
Then there’s the second group. That’s the group, MTTB CEO Matt Lloyd falls into. People in the second group see the hamster wheel for what it is and say, “Not for me!”
Matt  started trying to make money online out of his bedroom in November, 2008. Here’s how he tells it…
When I first started out, I was a university student barely making $600 a week mowing lawns
and trying online marketing on the side.
Then in early 2009, I dropped out of college. I committed myself entirely to making money
online. I studied everything I could find and tried every product I could get my hands on.
I worked 10 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, trying every “make money online” and “get
traffic” product out there.
I built websites, wrote articles, tried affiliate programs, built a (small) email list… but
NOTHING worked. I became depressed. I started taking Zoloft. I didn’t leave my bedroom for days on end.
But then, my hard work started to pay off. It started small at first – a sale here, another sale
there – then it gained more steam.
Next thing you know, I’m clearing $3,000 per week.
Then $5,000.
Then $10,000.
Flash forward to today, and I’m now at the helm of the fastest growing company in the home
business niche on the planet.
That’s what group 2 looks like. A fierce determination to never get on the hamster wheel. And the ones in group 2 who are successful, do something wonderful for those in group 3. They blaze a new path. They open up a road out of the wilderness. They offer a way off the hamster wheel….
…if those in group 3 will only take the first step. 
You’re not in group 1 or you wouldn’t even be reading this email. 
You’re in group 3, You’re looking for a way off the wheel. And Matt has found it for you. 
If you’ll take the first step. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What Einstein Taught Me about Success

Did you know that Albert Einstein ­the guy who basically figured out how the universe works­ tried to take up golf but gave it up because it was too complicated?
It sounds like a joke, doesn’t it? But I’m totally serious.
The story goes something like this… 
Late in his life, a colleague convinced Albert to give golf a try. At his first lesson, the instructor kept yelling tip after tip after tip as Albert hacked away at the ball impotently.
Topping off one, completely missing the next, slicing the one after that.
His instructor, Gigi Carnivale, kept hurling tips Einstein’s way…
“Keep your head down!” “Keep your back straight!” “Bend your
knees!” And on and on and on.
But Einstein still couldn’t make solid contact.
Finally the scientist had had more than he could take, picked up
several balls and flung them at his instructor!
Carnivale swatted at the balls, ducking and dodging to avoid being pummeled
“What did you do that for?” cried Carnivale?
“Young man”, Einstein began sternly, “when I throw you one ball, you catch it.
However, when I throw you four balls, you catch nothing! So when you teach,
make only one point at a time!”
Do you sometimes feel like Einstein? 
If you’ve tried to learn how to achieve financial freedom by starting your own
business…especially an online business…you’ve probably felt just as bewildered
as Einstein by all the advice being tossed around…and by all the skills you need
to master in order to succeed…
Landing page design
Email marketing
Ecommerce, and on and on…
But MTTB CEO, Matt Lloyd, believes in Einstein’s theory of simplicity…
“Any intelligent fool can make things more complex.
It takes a touch of genius ­and a lot of courage­ to go the other direction.”
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Matt has made it his mission to make running a successful online business
SIMPLER for the average person…not more complex.
MTTB is hands down the most step-by-step-simple way to achieve success. 
Now, notice I didn’t say “easy”. If you’re looking for easy, nobody’s going tobe able to help you. You’re dreaming. You must have drive and ambition. But it doesn’t have to be complex and confusing. Matt and his team are proving that every day. I think Einstein would approve.