Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Long Months of Complete Darkness, Constant Danger…

There’s a legend that the South Pole explorer, Ernest Shackleton, placed the following ad in a London newspaper…
For hazardous journey, small wages,
bitter cold, long months of complete
darkness, constant danger, safe re-
turn doubtful, honor and recognition
in case of success
Ernest Shackleton 4 Burlington st. 
The legend states that so many men turned up to join Shackleton that it seemed all the men of England were determined to join him. 
The rules of advertising tell us to “sell the benefits”. So, why would so many men be inspired by such an unappealing ad that “sells the disadvantages”. 
Honor and recognition…adventure. 
Victorian England was a fairly dull, stuffy, domesticated and conventional place. There was obviously a pent up demand for raw, dangerous, wild excitement. 
What does this have to do with your online business? 
Well, there are many advantages and benefits to working with MTTB.
But, it is work. And while you may not be in “complete darkness” or face “constant danger”, I can promise you that your “safe return is doubtful”.
What I mean is not that you will fail. I mean you’ll become a different person. Through the adventure of owning your own business, you’ll discover things about yourself you never knew. You’ll push yourself to new heights. You’ll go places you never dreamed you’d go. 
You’ll bust out of the 9 to 5, “Victorian” domesticity and become a more flesh-and-blood, passionate version of yourself. 
Honor and recognition await you.

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