Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Thirsty Deer Technique

So, if you’re serious about making money online, you realize that having a squeeze page is

(What’s a squeeze page? It’s where you have just one option on the page. Usually an opt-in form
where people can get more information that you’ve
promised them by entering their email.)
But you don’t want just a “”squeeze page””. You can have one of those up within 5 minutes from now.
You want a HIGH CONVERTING squeeze page.
One that get’s you opt-ins and sales!
So the question is:
“”How do I create my squeeze page to get me the
desired results I’m looking for?””
“”How can my squeeze page result in daily sales?””
To hand you the answer here, realize that it doesn’t
take a degree in rocket science to get this right.
However, there is a certain right “”WAY”” to do it.
And most get this totally wrong.
I’ve seen some terrible pages out there!!!!
Most of the time, a squeeze page that get’s bad
results is because it’s too busy, it’s not clear
enough, or it’s too hyped up looking.
So what do we do?
1) Figure out what people in your target market
really want. What are their pains and problems.
What solution are they needing?
What shortcuts can you offer to them?
2) You create the page.
The best way to do this is explained very well by
a well known marketer, Daegan Smith.
He recommends the "thirsty deer" technique.
Imagine a thirsty deer, and it sees an open
meadow, and a beautiful creek ahead of him.
If everything looks great, he’ll hop on down to the
creek and start sipping up some water.
However, what if he spots a hunter with an orange
vest on?
What if he sees a truck down by the creek?
What if he smells human odor nearby the creek?
A deer is VERY skittish.
So if anything is off kilter there, he’ll flee.
He’ll move on to find water somewhere else!
The same thing applies to our squeeze pages.
People are very skittish.
And they’ll be more and more so over the years
in handing out things like their emails to strangers.
So busy graphics, fancy elements, anything that
looks like it’s not satisfying “”THEIR”” needs, they’ll
be like that deer. Poof! Gone.
So the key?
Keep it simple.
You can split test things of course, but usually the
best plan of attack here is to keep it simple. Not a
lot of fancy spancy stuff.
Just tell ‘em what you’ve got, and allow them to
put in their email to get it.
Don’t add things in that will scare people off.
That’s the key.
Of course, after that is the next critical step.
A converting OFFER.
Going from opt-in, to sale, to big profits…
The tips above will help you to get high converting
This will help you with the next step in the process:

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